September 7, 2010

The 300

And the Lord said to Gideon, “I will deliver you with the 300 . . .” Judges 7:7

It was the mid-fifth century when a small army made up of only 300 Spartan warriors led by King Leonidas valiantly held off 100,000 Persian invaders. In a slender canyon one ominous day, the Spartans waged war and claimed a staggering victory against the Persians who were under the command of King Xerxes. Centuries later, the idea of so few soldiers holding their own against a vast, military kingdom captured the attention of Hollywood. The result was a multi-million dollar visual extravaganza that had moviegoers glued to the screen. My own husband saw it twice, dubbed the300 one of his all time favorite films, and requested the DVD for Christmas that year.

That means . . . he liked it.

I’ll readily admit that my idea of a good time at the movies doesn’t include swords, shields and blood, so I’ve yet to take it in. Yet, I’ve marveled at the millions who have. It seems that we’re captivated when the seemingly impossible breaks open into a sweeping possibility—when the underdog takes the cake and comes out on top. Somehow, when we learn of their stories, we take on a bit of their strength and own some of their courage. We gird ourselves in their armor and their bow and arrow, and a bit of their victory seems to become our own. If they could do it, so can we.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was another 300, you know?

The originals.

Hollywood hasn’t come knocking for their story, so maybe we can’t visualize it, but it is brilliantly recorded in the book of Judges. Gideon, the commander-in-chief, had a vast army of Israel’s leading men. They numbered more than 30,000 and were chomping at the bit to slay the Midianites. That’s when God dwindled his army down—not once, but twice. Not by a small amount but by thousands.

First, from more than thirty thousand to ten, then from ten thousand until there were just a few hundred left—three to be exact.

See Gideon’s eyes widen with surprise. Imagine the beads of sweat formulating on his brow. Hear his loud heartbeat quicken and pound in his chest. Envision the barrage of questions swimming around in his head.

This was Gideon going into a war with the 300.

God’s 300.

And with so few, Gideon led . . . and the victory was claimed.

Who knew that so much could be accomplished with so little?

Are you running on empty? Tired? Did 2009 dwindle down your resources not in small increments or miniscule unnoticed amounts but in heaps and vats spilling over with all the things you were certain you needed? Are you looking at the decrease in artillery you have and wondering how you are going to do so much with so little?

Hear the words of our Lord to you, valiant warrior: “I will deliver you with the 300 . . .”

Seems like so little doesn’t it? Especially when you are facing what you are facing and climbing the mountainous circumstances that you are climbing. But you are better off with God’s 300 than your own 30,000 because His deliverance is only guaranteed to come through His 300.

Bigger isn’t always better.

More is vastly overrated.

Believe it or not, you have exactly what you need in time, gifts, talents and spiritual resources. In fact, He has graciously “granted to you everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 peter 1:3).


So, onward soldier.

The new year awaits.

It’s the 300.

It’s God’s 300.

And it’s enough

~ Priscilla Shirer

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